Effective methods to prevent the `translate` transform from triggering an element to be perceived as position relative?

I am encountering an issue with an absolutely positioned div that is nested within a statically-positioned parent container. I noticed that when I apply the transform: translateY(-50%) property to the container, the child element behaves as if it were being treated as position: relative.

Upon checking the value of

, I observed that it references the container. Additionally, retrieving the value of
CSSKeywordValue {value: 'static'}
. Despite this confirmation that the position is indeed static, the container is still considered the offsetParent. Only when I disable the transform property in the dev tools inspector does the offsetParent change to a higher-level div encompassing the entire application, as intended.

Is there any documentation addressing this behavior or have I misunderstood something? More importantly, is there a method to prevent the container from being recognized as the offsetParent?

Answer №1

As per the information provided in the documentation on CSS transforms,

When the value of the [transform] property is not 'none', it triggers the creation of a stacking context. This, in turn, causes the element to function as a containing block for any elements with position: fixed; or position: absolute; within it.

In addition, based on details highlighted in the guide on containing blocks,

If the position property is set to static, relative, or sticky, the containing block is determined by the content box edge of the nearest ancestor that functions as a block container (like an inline-block, block, or list-item element) or establishes a formatting context (such as a table, flex, grid, or the block container itself).

Thus, in such situations, the parent element (acting as a statically-positioned containing block) inherits the formatting context from the closest block container. An ancestor with position: relative ends up cascading this formatting context.

To avoid this issue, one can utilize position: revert (although compatibility may be limited as Internet Explorer does not support this feature).

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