Add flair to the ButtonBase element within a Tab component

I'm currently exploring how to override Material UI styles with a nested component. For instance, what if I want to increase the bottom border height on an active Tab, which is applied by the underlying ButtonBase.

Below is the style definition:

const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
  root: {
    // A quick example of overriding, but not the cleanest. Is there a better way to handle the button?
    "& .MuiSvgIcon-root": {
      marginRight: "8px"
  // Overriding Tab styles
  tabWrapper: {
    flexDirection: "row"
  tabSelected: {
    color: theme.palette.primary.main
  tabLabelIcon: theme.mixins.toolbar, // Same minHeight as toolbar
  // TODO override buttonBase ???
  // ...

Here's an example of usage:

          wrapper: classes.tabWrapper,
          selected: classes.tabSelected,
          labelIcon: classes.tabLabelIcon
            <DashboardIcon />
        // TODO: Is this the correct syntax? TypeScript doesn't seem to like this prop...
        buttonBaseProps={{ classes: {} }}

I'm unsure how to define the classes for ButtonBase in this scenario.

What should my props look like to override the style of ButtonBase?

Edit: The documentation can be found here The last section describes the inheritance process, but it's quite concise.

Edit 2: The example use case might not be perfect, as we should actually be overriding ".MuiTabs-indicator" to adjust the bottom border height (which is actually an additional span, not a border). However, the question remains the same. Imagine I wanted to change the background-color of the ButtonBase.

Answer №1

It appears that there is no distinct ButtonBase component within the Tab component. Therefore, there is no prop named buttonBaseProps to be found. The tab itself serves as the button component.

If you wish to pass any styles, do so by applying them to the root inside classes. Refer to the code snippet below:

<Tab classes={{
          root: classes.customButtonBaseRoot,
          wrapper: classes.tabWrapper,
          selected: classes.tabSelected,
          labelIcon: classes.tabLabelIcon

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