What is the method to display just the final 3 characters within a paragraph?

Is there a way to display only the last three characters of a string using either a method or a string method?

I consistently have a 13-digit number, but I specifically require showing only the final three digits. Appreciate any assistance provided. Thank you!

Answer №1

One approach could be:

let number = 123456789;
let stringNum = String(number);
let lastThreeDigits = stringNum.slice(-3);

Answer №2

let convertNumToString = num.toString();
let extractLastThreeDigits = convertNumToString.slice(convertNumToString.length - 3);

Answer №3

Embrace the power of splice()

const extractLastDigits = () => {
    const number = 1231123123578;
    const stringNumber = number.toString();
    const lastThree = stringNumber.split("").slice(-3).join("");

Alternatively, you can use slice()


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