On a Samsung tablet with Moodle, the body background image is set to display at the top

Encountered an issue with Sambungs tables. I have a background image set on the body. Here is how the CSS looks:

html, body{
  background: url('img/background.jpg') no-repeat;
  background-position: top; // I also tried cover, fixed, etc

The webpage is quite tall, over 2000px. The background image takes up the first 600px, which is fine for me. However, when I click to hide some boxes at the bottom of the page, the background automatically appears at the visible part of the screen and disappears from the top of the page. The page does not reload when hiding boxes, so I'm unsure how to resolve this problem.

Any suggestions?

Answer №1

Issue resolved! I simply added a background to the div#wrapper, which successfully fixed the problem with displaying the background image.

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