What are the steps to properly create an ordered list?

.book-summary ol {
  counter-reset: item ;

.book-summary ol li {

.book-summary ol li:before {
  content: counters(item, ".") " "; counter-increment: item; 
<div class="book-summary">
          <li>Component Location</li>
          <li>Special Tools</li>
              <li>General Inforamation</li>
          <li>Torque Specifications</li>


I'm working on creating an ordered list that resembles a table of contents for a book. However, I've noticed that my first level list items only display the number ("1") without including a period ("1.") next to it.

How can I adjust my code so that there is a dot after each first level list item?

Answer №1

To create a structured list where the first level has a dot and the subsequent levels do not, you can use nested selectors like in the following example:

.book-summary ol {
      counter-reset: item ;

    .book-summary ol li {
    .book-summary ol li:before {
      content: counters(item, ".") " "; counter-increment: item; 
    .book-summary > ol > li:before {
      content: counters(item, ".") ". "; counter-increment: item; 
<div class="book-summary">
          <li>Component Location</li>
          <li>Special Tools</li>
              <li>General Inforamation</li>
          <li>Torque Specifications</li>


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