Is it possible to create a button function in HTML that can alter the CSS image tag?

Is there a way I could create a function that can retrieve a value, update an image source, and then incrementally select another value? It would be incredibly helpful if you could provide a reference where I could learn how to do this or explain it in detail... My main objective with this information is to achieve the following: request is specific to my needs, but taking into consideration what I aim to accomplish with your response would greatly benefit me! :D On the left-hand side of the table are textboxes where users will input country names. I want users to click a button labeled "Next Speaker", which will then select a textbox, change the value of the textbox beneath the flag of the United Nations to match that country name, and display the corresponding flag (assuming each flag file is named after its respective country).

<img src='flags/(Whatever the selected text box says).svg'>

Answer №1

Doing this in Javascript is a simple task that can be achieved in just a few steps. Start by targeting the image using the id of its parent div:

var countryImage = document.querySelector('#flagarea > img');

Next, select the input element through a similar process and retrieve the name of the currently selected country:

var countrySelection = document.querySelector('#flagarea > input').value;

Finally, modify the src attribute accordingly:

countryImage.src = 'flags/' + countrySelection + '.svg';

Although you mentioned jQuery, achieving this with jQuery isn't necessarily easier than using basic DOM methods. However, if you prefer to use jQuery, here's an example demonstrating the same functionality:

var $countryImage = $('#flagarea > img');
var $countrySelect = $('#flagarea > input');
var currentCountry = $countrySelect.val();
$countryImage.attr('src', 'flags/' + currentCountry + '.svg');

Ensure that all your flag images have consistent aspect ratios to avoid unexpected layout changes when switching between flags.

Answer №2

If you want to update the source of an image using jquery, all you need is to utilize .attr()

$('img').attr('src', 'newimagesource.jpg');

For more information and examples, check out the documentation here:

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