Ways to ensure your page stays confidential


Exploring the idea of making specific pages on a website private. For example, having 4 navigation links where one link leads to a private page that requires a username and password for access. Currently, my practice website has 7 links directing to various pages, but I want to make one page private for personal reasons.

After searching on Google, I was unable to find a solution tailored to my particular situation. Any tutorials or guidance on how to implement this feature would be greatly appreciated. If you require any sections of my code, please feel free to ask.

Answer №1

This guide on GoDaddy's support website details the steps for setting up authentication for specific directories on GoDaddy's Windows-based hosting platform:

Instructions from the document include:

  • To Control Web Access to a Directory Using FTP File Manager
  • Sign in to your Account Manager.
  • Access Web Hosting.
  • Launch the hosting account you wish to configure.
  • Under Tools, select FTP File Manager.
  • Choose an existing directory or Create New Directory.
    • If creating a new directory, input the directory name.
    • Click OK.
    • Select the newly created directory.
  • Click on Permissions icon in the action bar.
  • Ensure Read is unchecked.
  • Click OK.

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