Guide to match the size of <td> with an <img>

I am currently attempting to align several images in my HTML using the <table> element. My goal is to eliminate any white space between the images. You can view my progress so far in this JSFiddle example: JSFiddle example. However, I am still encountering some white spaces between the two brown boxes.

To display the images, I have placed them within the <td> tags:

     <img src="..."/>

The brown boxes are sized at 128x128 pixels, but it appears that my <td> is actually 128x132 pixels. I have confirmed that there is no padding or border set for my td. I am puzzled as to why my td is taller than my img, and I am seeking guidance on how to make my <td> match the exact size of my <img>.

Answer №1

To solve this issue, simply use the CSS property vertical-align: middle.

Since images are treated as inline elements, they behave similarly to regular characters like letters. By aligning the image in the middle of the line, you can magically eliminate any gaps. Take a look at the updated example on this Fiddle.

You have the option to apply this alignment specifically for images inside tables or site-wide (which is recommended when starting a new project). This adjustment can be included in reset.css or html5 boilerplate.

td img { vertical-align: middle; } /* Applies only to images within tables */
/* OR */
img { vertical-align: middle; } /* Fixes alignment for the entire site */


Based on feedback from comments, let's explore further with this Fiddle

Consider the first paragraph with underlined text. Notice how 'hanging letters' like 'g', 'p', and 'y' extend below the baseline. Characters are aligned based on the bottom portion of a standard character such as 'c', 'h', 'a', etc.

This concept also applies to images when they are inline elements. The browser reserves space for potential hanging parts of characters or images within a line of text. Therefore, explicit alignment is necessary to ensure proper display.

Additional examples showcase top, middle, and bottom alignments. In unaligned paragraphs, space is reserved for hanging parts, which is eliminated in properly aligned versions where the lowest part defines the edge of the element.

Hopefully, this explanation sheds light on the technicalities and enhances understanding :)

One important note: while using display: block may temporarily fix the issue, it is not recommended for all scenarios as images do not always need to act as block elements. For a universal solution, include img { vertical-align: middle; } at the beginning of your stylesheet.

Answer №2

When dealing with inline elements like img within td, it can cause the td to reserve space for other inline elements below it. To address this issue, there are two possible solutions:

td {
    line-height: 0;


img {
    display: block;

Answer №3

To solve this issue, try including the display block in your CSS:

For example:

img { display: block; }

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