Applying CSS styles to a page depending on certain conditions

Currently, I have a page in SharePoint that can function as a pop-up. I am using JavaScript to identify whether it is a pop-up by checking if"[?&]IsDlg=1")
. However, I am struggling to figure out how to insert CSS based on this condition.

One approach I am considering is adding a label to the page and then using code behind to determine the condition and insert the CSS. But I also want to explore the possibility of achieving this through JavaScript. Can someone please provide guidance?

I believe I could potentially use jQuery like this:

$('<style type="text/css">#foo { background: #000; } </style>').appendTo("head");

Thank you.

Answer №1

I'm a bit confused by your inquiry, would you mind providing some code for better clarification? With the use of jQuery, you have the option to modify CSS in this manner:


Alternatively, you could specify the CSS in your stylesheet and assign classes to your elements as shown below:


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