Adjust the parent div's background when hovering over it

Here is the code snippet I am working with:

<div class="thumb_image_holder_orange">
    <img src="" />

I want to change the background of the div when hovering over the image, rather than just changing the image properties upon hover. Any ideas on how to achieve this without using jQuery?

Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

Unfortunately, CSS does not provide a way to target the "parent element":

I would rather avoid using jQuery, but it's not a major concern.

Here is an example:

$('.thumb_image_holder_orange > img').hover(function(){

Answer №2

When working with CSS selectors that cannot ascend, the best approach is to utilize JavaScript.

You have categorized it under , hence I will provide a solution using jQuery.

$('.thumb_image_holder_orange img').mouseover(function() {
    $(this).parent().css('backgroundImage', 'url(/whatever/you/want.png)');

Answer №3

Here is a solution: Use Absolute Positioning to achieve the desired effect. View the Snippet below. Assigning an ID of "orangeImg" can simplify the process!

To implement this, create a container div with relative positioning. Inside this container, place the "orangeImg" and "orangeBG" divs with absolute positioning. The orangeBG div should also have width and height properties specified since it will not contain any elements. By using the z-index property, you can layer the divs, ensuring that the Img div appears on top.

By adding a .target class to the orangeBG div, you can utilize the sibling selector "~" to style any siblings of the orangeImg div when it is hovered over. In this case, the only sibling is the orangeBG div, so the background will change only when the image is hovered! Check out the JSfiddle here

Wishing you success,


#holder {position: relative; width: 200px; height:100px;}
#orangeImg {position:absolute; top:10px; right:10px; z-index:9999;}
#orangeBG {position:absolute; top:0px; right:0px; z-index:1; background-color:#353;width: 200px; height:100px;}
#orangeImg:hover ~ .target {background-color:#621;}
<div id="holder">
  <div id="orangeImg" class="thumb_image_holder_orange">
    <img src="" />
  <div id="orangeBG" class="target">
</div><!-- end holder -->

Answer №4

Here is a code snippet that will achieve the desired result:

$('.thumb_image_holder_orange > img').on('hover', function() {
    $(this).parent().css('background-color', '#f00');

Answer №5

In the realm of CSS, achieving this task is not possible.

Have you considered using vanilla JavaScript instead of jQuery?

<div class="thumb_image_holder_orange">
    <img src="" onmouseover=" = '#f00'" onmouseout=" = '#fff'" />

Answer №6

To achieve this effect of adding a dummy element next to an image, you can utilize this CSS2 trick. Check out this fiddle example for reference.

Here is the markup:

<div class="thumb_image_holder_orange">
    <img src="" />

And the corresponding style sheet:

.thumb_image_holder_orange {
  background: orange;
  position: relative;
.thumb_image_holder_orange:hover {
  background: red;
.thumb_image_holder_orange div:hover {
  background: orange;
.thumb_image_holder_orange img {
  position: absolute;

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