What is the best way to create a blurred effect on an image during loading, and then transition to a sharp image once it is fully loaded?

I'm currently working on a project where I want the images to display as a blurred preview initially, and then become clear once fully loaded. This is similar to the feature seen on Instagram, where the app shows a blurred image before displaying the clear version. How can I implement this functionality using JavaScript or JQuery?

Answer №1

In order to optimize your website's performance, consider storing a lower-quality version of the image in your database or assets. You can then use CSS blur() to create a blurred effect on the smaller image.

Once the full-sized image is loaded, you can hide the small image. To determine when the full image has finished loading, you may want to refer to this helpful stackoverflow thread: How to create a JavaScript callback for knowing when an image is loaded?

Answer №2

Why does the answer marked with a Green Tick differ from the shared link that doesn't have one? It seems incorrect and I'm feeling puzzled.

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