Guiding you to choose a specific child class by identifying its parent class in CSS and jQuery

Hey there! I'm currently working on a website that allows users to post content. I want to ensure that the site is mobile-friendly, so I need to make some adjustments with media queries.

Unfortunately, I've run into an issue where media query CSS can't change the layout of my div tags. To address this, I decided to utilize the jQuery function insertBefore.

Specifically, I'm trying to move "div three" before "div one." You can see my attempt in action here:

$(function() {

However, the result wasn't quite what I was looking for. I'd prefer something more like this:

I've searched for solutions but most involve toggling show/hide using $(this), which isn't exactly what I need since I'm not targeting a specific div class, but rather all classes.

Appreciate any assistance you can offer!

Answer №1

Give this a try!

$(document).ready(function() {
    $(".three").each(function() {

Because all three elements with class .three match the .one and .three selector, each .three element is inserted before its corresponding .one element. (Quite the twist of words!)

Answer №2

give this a shot

$(document).ready(function() {
    $(".container").find('.item').before( $(".container").find('.another-item'));

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