modify the appearance of HTML controls in real time with C#

Is there a way to dynamically add an additional navigation item to my website's menu list when the admin logs in through admin.aspx? The menu list is created using HTML controls such as <ul>...<li>, and I would like the new navigation item to be added seamlessly. Alternatively, I could initially include the admin menu item in the list with style { visibility:hidden}, and then change it to {visibility:visible } once the login is successful.

Here is an example of my master page code:

<ul id="ul_myLst" runat="server">
    <li><a href="Testimonials.aspx">Testimonial</a>
    <li><a href="#fakelink">Contact Us</a>
    <li><a href="#fakelink">About Us</a>
    <li><a href="Registration.aspx">Registartion</a>
    <li><a href="OurFaculty.aspx">Our Faculty</a>
    <li id="abc" runat="server" style="visibility:hidden">
        <a href="OurFaculty.aspx">Admin</a>

And here is the Default.aspx code snippet:

if (f.pass.Equals(txtpass.Value)) {

    HtmlGenericControl ul = (HtmlGenericControl)(this.Master.FindControl("abc"));
    //ul.Attributes["class"] = "admin-p";
    ul.Style["visibility"] = "visible";



The current code works well, but the issue arises when revisiting index.aspx as the admin menu automatically hides again.

Answer №1

It seems like your code is checking if the password entered matches a stored value during the login process.

If you have some sort of hidden input field or another method storing this information, you can set up a function to handle setting the Admin menu whenever the page loads. Make sure to adjust the "if" statement based on how the login value is being remembered on the site (such as Session, viewstate, or cookie).

Here's an example:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsPostBack)

private void SetAdminMenu()
        abc.Visibility = visible;

Answer №2

Saba, your approach needs some adjustments.

Consider these 2 straightforward methods to achieve your goal:

1. Modifying the visibility of a web control

In the code-behind file of the master page (MasterPage.master.cs), insert this line into either the OnLoad or Page_Load method:

var control = (HtmlGenericControl)Page.FindControl("abc");
control.Visible = User.IsInRole("Admin");

Remember to include runat="server" in the <li> tag within the MasterPage.master file.

2. Dynamically adding a new <li>

In the MasterPage.master file, ensure you add runat="server" to the <ul> tag.

Then, in the code-behind file of the master page, implement the following logic within the OnLoad or Page_Load method:

    var menuList = (HtmlGenericControl)Page.FindControl("ul_myLst");
    var adminItem = new HtmlGenericControl("li");
    var anchor = new HtmlAnchor();
    anchor.HRef = "OurFaculty.aspx";
    anchor.InnerText = "Admin";

Answer №3

In order to display the admin menu, you need to utilize session and verify the existence of the session value at the beginning of your master page. When returning to the master page, it will once again confirm the presence of the session value before allowing you to implement CSS code to make the admin menu visible.

Here is a breakdown of the technical steps:

  1. Establish a session on the second page (default.aspx)
  2. Check for the session value at the top of the master page: Use an if statement to determine if the session value exists, then include code to display the admin menu accordingly
  3. Create a log-out page to invalidate the session

To learn more about ASP sessions, visit:

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