Turn off automatic resizing of iframes

I'm currently dealing with a webpage that contains an iframe. The iframe contains quite a bit of data, and every time it loads, its height adjusts to match the content within. Unfortunately, this is causing my page layout to be disrupted. Is there a way to set a fixed height for the iframe and enable users to scroll through the content instead?

Answer №1

Interesting... do you happen to have a sample link showcasing this problem?

I experimented with a basic iframe: http://jsfiddle.net/mP6wT/5/

<iframe src="http://example.org/"></iframe>

By default, it appears quite small and scrolls in Chrome/FF/Win instead of adjusting its height...

However, it should be possible to set a fixed height using CSS: http://jsfiddle.net/mP6wT/7/

<iframe src="http://example.org/" style="height:400px;"></iframe>

Answer №2

Caution: be wary of iOS as it tends to cause issues:

tips for fixing iFrame visibility on mobile safari

Answer №3

To ensure proper display, set a fixed height for the iframe with scrolling enabled.

<iframe height="200px" scroll="auto"></iframe>

Keep in mind that 200px is just a suggestion, feel free to adjust the height as needed.

Answer №4

It appears that your iframe's height may be set to '100%' or being adjusted through a script. You can try setting the height explicitly using

<iframe height="300"></iframe>
<ifreame style="height: 300px;"></iframe>
for a height of 300px.

Without seeing your code, it's difficult to provide further assistance. Please share a live example or snippet of your code so we can help troubleshoot. It's possible that a script is altering the height, or there may be issues within the iframe itself.

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