Unable to accommodate additional space, InputGroup is not utilizing the

Using react-bootstrap in my project, I have a component with the following code. I want the input and button to display together and fill up the entire space allocated by the Col. Although the input and button are displaying side by side, they are not taking up the entire space. Can someone please help me with this?

        <Col  xs={12} md={10} mdOffset={1} >

            <Form className="addGoalForm" inline onSubmit={
            } >
                <FormGroup className="addGoalForm">
                        <FormControl ref={textInput} type="text"/>

                    <Button bsStyle="primary" type="submit"> Add Goal </Button>



Answer №1

Consider removing the inline property from the Form component.

Answer №2


Your code has a problem where the elements within an outer column stack to the left by default.


To fix this issue, assign column sizes to both the input and button elements.

How can you do this?

  1. Use Bootstrap col-xs-10 for the input and col-xs-2 for the button so that they occupy the full width of the parent column (consider your grid size for md, xl sizes).
  2. Alternatively, create custom classes with widths like 80%/20% or adjust as needed.

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