What is the most effective way to transfer information from one page to another in a PhoneGap application?

I attempted to transfer data from one HTML page to another using two different methods:

function reply_click(clicked_id)
    window.location = "newsList.html?Title="+clicked_id;

And I also tried:

function reply_click(clicked_id)
    window.localStorage.setItem("Title", clicked_id);
    window.location = "newsList.html";

However, both methods are not functioning properly on Windows Phone.

I am seeking assistance in resolving this issue.

Answer №1

If you are utilizing jQuery Mobile, you have the option to utilize the $.mobile.changePage function which will enable you to maintain the local storage.

Visit JqueryForum for more information on localStorage not persisting in jQuery 1.3.0 (Windows Phone 8)

Additionally, ensure that you are using the getItem method to access data from local storage as dot notation is not available in Windows Phone 7.

Refer to Phonegap docs for further guidance

Answer №2

Try utilizing window.location.assign in place of window.location

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