Is it possible to access the CSS property from an external CSS file even when inline styles are used?

Is there a way to retrieve the css property from an external source using JavaScript or jQuery even if inline styles are applied to the same element? Here's an example:

<div id="my" style='left:100px'>some content</div>

How can I get the value of 250px without removing the inline style?

Answer №1

Is it possible for you to make changes to the markup once the page is fully loaded? If that's the case, I recommend using jQuery to set the style attribute to an empty value and then retrieve the left position using jQuery.

var my = $('#my');
var position = my.position();

Alternatively, if you prefer not to cache the variable:


Answer №2

In my opinion, the most effective approach is to temporarily remove the inline style, analyze it, and then reapply it.

Removing the style may not result in any visible changes to the element because the process happens quickly.

function examineStyle() {
    var element = document.getElementById('myElement');
    var attribute = element.getAttribute('style');
    element.setAttribute('style', '');
    var value = element.offsetLeft;
    element.setAttribute('style', attribute);
    return value;

Answer №3

To achieve this, you can opt to fetch the .css file using AJAX (for example, with the convenient jQuery method $.get()), and then analyze it by utilizing a tool like JSCSPP or an alternative parser (such as another jQuery-based parser). Although some may view this approach as excessive, it offers the benefit of enabling access to all the rules following a single retrieval operation.

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