Is there a way to trigger the animation of this text effect only when the mouse is scrolled to that specific section?

Here is a cool typing text effect created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Check out the code below:

(function($) {
  var s,
    spanizeLetters = {
      settings: {
        letters: $('.js-spanize'),
      init: function() {
        s = this.settings;
      bindEvents: function() {
        s.letters.html(function(i, el) {
          var spanizer = $.trim(el).split("");
          return '<span>' + spanizer.join('</span><span>') + '</span>';
CSS styling code goes here...
HTML markup code goes here... 

The issue I'm facing is that the animation starts as soon as the page loads, rather than when the user scrolls to that specific section. I want the typing effect to begin only when the user scrolls to that part of the page. Can someone guide me on how to achieve this? I'm new to coding and would appreciate any help!

Answer №1

Enhance your web development workflow by leveraging the Intersection Observer API to dynamically apply classes to elements as they enter the viewport. Dive into a detailed example with explanations to deepen your understanding of this innovative feature. Keep scrolling to see it in action.

function onIntersection(entry) {
  entry.forEach(el => {
    if (el.isIntersecting) {"start");

// Initialize a new instance of Intersection Observer
let observer = new IntersectionObserver(onIntersection);

// Target all elements with the "js-spanize" class
let elements = document.querySelectorAll(".js-spanize");

for (let elm of elements) {

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