When a table undergoes a dynamic reload, the formatting for the columns fails to display properly

After fetching image metadata from an API call, a table is dynamically generated on page load. Subsequently, when new images are uploaded, the function responsible for building the table is called again to include this new data. However, despite the CSS styles being properly displayed in the "Inspect Element" tool, the column width styling does not render on the actual page. Strangely, other column styles like text-align work as expected once the table is rebuilt. The correct styling only appears after refreshing the page. Below is the relevant function.

function getMedia(blockName) {

                url: [url] + blockName.trim(),
                type: 'GET',
                dataType: 'json',
                async: false,
                success: function (media) {
                    var testKeys = [];

                    if (media.length > 0) {
                    } else {

                    for (var i = 0; i < media.length; i++) {
                        var newRow = "<tr class='illustrationsContent'><td style='width: 20%;'>" + media[i].Question + "</td>"
                            + "<td>" + media[i].Name + "</td>"
                            + "<td style='text-align: center; width: 15%'>" + "<button type='button' class='delete' disabled>Delete</button>" + "</td></tr>";
                        $("#illustrationsTable tbody").append(newRow);

                    testKeys = jQuery.uniqueSort(testKeys);

                    if (testKeys[0] == blockName) {
                    } else {
                        $("#filterTestKey").append(new Option("All Test Keys", "All Test Keys"));
                        for (var i = 0; i < testKeys.length; i++) {
                            $("#filterTestKey").append(new Option(testKeys[i], testKeys[i]));


Thank you!

Answer №1

Opt for utilizing CSS classes in place of inline style attributes and double check that the HTML markup displays correctly on the webpage.

Answer №2

Upon closer examination of the DOM modifications, I observed that executing

did not eliminate the previous rows. Substituting it with
successfully fixed the styling problem (even though I am still unsure of the reasoning behind it).

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