My React project is unable to import the foundation SCSS file into the App.scss file

After installing zurb-foundation using npm, I attempted to import the .scss file into my App.scss file. Utilizing the "live sass server" for compiling the .scss code into .css code, a .css file was generated but did not display any code despite successfully importing the .scss from foundation into my App.scss

The image shows the .scss code on the left and the corresponding .css code on the right

Answer №1

if you happen to have three different files:


The first file looks like this:

// foundation/_code.sass
  padding: .25em
  line-height: 0

The second file is as follows:

// foundation/_lists.sass
ul, ol
  text-align: left

  & &
      bottom: 0
      left: 0

You are able to combine your files using imports in the following manner.

Please note: The file name must adhere to this specific syntax:

_{name of file}.sass

// app.sass
@import foundation/code, foundation/lists


The first file appears like this:

// foundation/_code.scss
code {
  padding: .25em;
  line-height: 0;

And the second file has the structure below:

// foundation/_lists.scss
ul, ol {
  text-align: left;

  & & {
    padding: {
      bottom: 0;
      left: 0;

Lastly, there is a third file included:

// style.scss
@import 'foundation/code', 'foundation/lists';

To delve deeper into this topic, check out: sass docs @import

Answer №2

Did you explore the option of using

@import '../node_modules/foundation-sites/scss/foundation.scss'

Instead of importing the entire Foundation code, consider selecting only what you need, such as the breakpoint mixins for your SCSS:

@import "~foundation-sites/scss/util/util";
@import "~foundation-sites/scss/util/breakpoint";

By selectively importing components, you can minimize the size of your CSS file and optimize performance.

For more information, check out

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