What is causing the issue of the div not being removed from the label renderer in three.js

Hello, I've been trying to solve this issue for the third time now without much success. The problem I'm facing is related to creating a div at runtime and then attempting to remove it after clicking on it. Although I've tried removing the div by deleting renderer.domElement from the document body, the child of renderer.domElement remains undisturbed. Here's the code snippet that I'm currently using in my project. If any members or admins specializing in three.js happen to come across this question, I kindly request you to pay attention to it. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated!

JSFiddle: [https://jsfiddle.net/regeme786/vmx8uLd1/22/]

Answer №1

When looking to eliminate a specific element from the CSS renderer, remember that you should remove its instance of CSS2DObject, not the element itself. Instead of simply calling:


you must utilize the three.js API by using:


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