How can I transform an HTML element into a textarea using CSS or JavaScript?

While browsing a webpage, I discovered a <div> element with the class .plainMail and I want to find a way to easily select all its text by simply pressing Ctrl+A.

Currently using Firefox 22, I am considering converting the div.plainMail into a textarea. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?


Is it possible to achieve this task using document.getElementsByClassName? Because so far, I have been unsuccessful using document.getElementById. I am utilizing GreaseMonkey for this purpose.

Answer №1

Are you unsure about what you're seeking? Perhaps the HTML Content Editable attribute is what you need.

<div contenteditable="true">
  Users can edit this text.


If you want to use JavaScript, you can add the attribute/value to the element as shown below:

var d = document.getElementById("myelement"); 
d.setAttribute("contenteditable", "true"); // Or: d.contentEditable = "true";


Can this be achieved using document.getElementsByClassName?

Yes, it's possible (except for IE8 and older versions). Please note that getElementsByClassName returns a group of matching elements, not a single one.

Therefore, you'll need to iterate through the list to apply the attribute, like so:

var i,
    list = document.getElementsByClassName("content");

for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
    list[i].setAttribute('contenteditable', 'true');


Answer №2

After doing some searching on Google, I stumbled upon a link that seems to be the most relevant to this question.

The following CSS code can transform a div into something resembling a textarea:

#div-textarea {
    -moz-appearance: textfield-multiline;
    -webkit-appearance: textarea;
    border: 1px solid gray;
    font: medium -moz-fixed;
    font: -webkit-small-control;
    overflow: auto;
    padding: 2px;
    resize: both;

Additionally, the linked webpage also includes a fiddle for demonstration:

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