Achieve an overlapping effect between absolutely positioned sibling divs without the need to specify a background color

Exploring the development of a swipe-to-action list component.

<div class="list-container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="content">
            Sample Content 1
        <div class="action">
            Delete Action
    <div class="row">
        <div class="content">
            Additional Content 2...
        <div class="action">
            Delete Action

The action div is positioned absolutely with a z-index lower than that of the content div.

The objective is to have the content div overlap the absolutely positioned action div, all without applying a background-color to the content div. When the user swipes the list, the content div will be moved along the X-axis to reveal the action underneath it.

Check out a live example here.

Note that the content in the second row does not have a background color applied, which allows the action to remain visible.

Are there alternative methods to achieve this effect?

Answer №1

Updated the stackblitz by initially setting the action class to have display:none. Once animated, the css property display is then set to block.

anim() {
  requestAnimationFrame(() => {
    this.value -= 1;
    if (this.value > -50) {
      (document.querySelector('.action') as HTMLElement).style.display = 'block'

Make sure to include the following css in your file:


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