There appears to be an empty void on the website

If you could kindly click on this link & use CTRL + F to search for the text "Info", you will see a visual representation similar to the image below. There seems to be quite a bit of empty space below these texts.

I experimented with padding, display: block; and other modifications, but none seemed to resolve the issue.

.dinfo {
    position: relative;
    bottom: 90px;
    right: 50px !important;

Answer №1

Ensure the height property is specified in your CSS for this div element.

height: 60px;

Either use the height or max-height property to set the desired height for the div.

Answer №2

To achieve the desired result, simply apply a custom height to the add-to-cart-wrapper div.

Answer №3

The height attribute linked to the image is causing it to not display properly on the page. By removing the height attribute from the image, it should render correctly.

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