Deleting the stylesheet exclusively within the confines of the React application window

Here is an image that will help illustrate the issue:

If you want to check out the code sandbox for this problem, you can visit:

I am currently working on a React app within a non-react app, and their styles are conflicting with my React app's styles.

Is there a way to override only the bootstrap-enterprise.css stylesheet for the area of my React app without affecting the styling of the rest of the page (the top app bar belongs to them)?

Additionally, I tried using the following CSS snippet initially, but it didn't work when I attempted to override the Mui Textfield styling component. I have updated the codesandbox with the exact scenario for reference.

.App {
  all: revert;

Answer №1

If you want to ensure that your React app has its own unique styles, one approach is to utilize the all css property. By applying this property to reset all styles within your React app, you can have a clean slate to work with:

/* Reset all styles for elements under .App */
.App * {
  all: unset

In your codesandbox project, adding this snippet at the beginning of your styles.css file should help achieve the desired results.

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