The svh/lvh units are experiencing unexpected issues when using Chrome on an iPhone

I'm facing an issue with my hero section that is supposed to take up the full height of the viewport. I recently tried using the new svh/lvh units, which seemed to work fine on desktop and Safari for mobile. However, when testing on Chrome for mobile (specifically on an iPhone), the hero section initially displays correctly but then resizes as I scroll down, causing other elements on the page to move due to the appearance of the navigation bar at the bottom.

Here's the code snippet for the container of the hero section:

      // ref={observe}
        width: "100vw",
        height: "100vh",
        width: "100svw",
        height: "100svh",
        position: "relative",

Although using height: fill-available; solves the problem on Chrome mobile, it causes issues on other browsers.

I even removed the fallbacks 100vh and 100vw to ensure that the mobile browser was indeed using the correct svh units, which it was.

Any insights into what might be causing this behavior?

Answer â„–1

I understand your point and agree that the svh behavior in Safari is beneficial, as it ensures the smallest viewport height possible.

To tackle this issue, I had to set the height of a hero div statically to match the minimum dimensions of the viewport, taking into account variables like the open address bar. This prevented any unwanted changes in height while scrolling with the browser's UI disappearing.

My solution involved using JavaScript during the initial page render, utilizing window.visualViewport. It had to be placed where both the element and visualViewport were accessible—potentially within a delayed setTimeout, depending on the elements' rendering process.

if (window.visualViewport) {
   const elements = document.getElementsByClassName("your-small-view-height-div");
   for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
      elements[i].setAttribute("style", `min-height: ${window.visualViewport.height}px`);
} else {
   // apply a fallback class to body with css styling for svh

This approach helped me cache the necessary value for mobile view optimization, although it might not be applicable to desktop views. After experimenting with different methods over a few days, this technique proved effective for my needs.

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