Conceal an entire div using CSS, especially if a portion of it remains unoccupied

Is there a way to conceal an entire division if a part of it is void? For instance, if "dd" is empty as indicated below, can I hide the entire class "test" so that the keyword Restrictions does not display either? I attempted .test dd:empty { display: none; } but that method did not produce any results. Thank you!

  <div class="test"><dt>Restrictions:</dt>

Answer №1

If you're looking to achieve a specific functionality using only CSS, it might be challenging. It could be more efficient to test it on the server-side if possible. However, in cases where that's not feasible, you can use some JavaScript code to accomplish the task.

<script type="text/javascript">
// handles multiple dt/dd pairs per div and hides them each conditionally
function hideIfEmpty() {

    // get all the elements with class test
    var els = document.getElementsByTagName('dl');
    // for every 'test' div we find, go through and hide the appropriate elements, function(el) {
        var children = el.childNodes;
        var ddEmpty = false;
        for(var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if(children[i].tagName === 'DD' && !children[i].innerHTML.trim()) {
                ddEmpty = true;
            } else if(children[i].tagName === 'DT') {
                if(ddEmpty) {
                    children[i].style.display = 'none';
                // reset the flag
                ddEmpty = false;


window.addEventListener('load', hideIfEmpty);

<div class="test">
    <div style="clear: both;"></div>
        <dt>Other Restrictions:</dt>
        <dd>Since I have content, I won't be hidden.</dd>

It's important to note that the provided code may not be compatible with older versions of Internet Explorer due to functions like, String.prototype.trim, and addEventListener. You can utilize polyfills for these or implement your own alternatives easily (like using a for loop instead).

Answer №2

You can't achieve that with CSS alone. You'll either need to use JavaScript to find and hide empty elements along with their parents, or have your CMS add specific CSS classes for pages with no content.

Responding as per the request of @Barett.

Answer №3

If you want to update your CSS, consider the following:

visibility: hidden; 
background-color: transparent;

Even though making the text transparent will hide it, using visibility:hidden should achieve the same result.

To ensure that the div with the ID "sample" is only visible when the dd tag is empty, and if you are using jQuery, you can implement the following JavaScript in combination with the CSS:

if($("dd").html().length == 0) {

Please note that this solution relies on jQuery, a JavaScript library.

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