Can CSS be used to consistently position content in a specific manner?

I previously inquired about a similar issue and received an excellent solution. Here is my jsbin,css,output where I encountered the following scenario:

The positioning of 12.50 seems slightly awkward in its current placement but not overly so. Now, our goal is to relocate the 12.50 to the same position as the one in the jt-row above, like this:

Adding a wrapper for both elements may be feasible, however, repositioning the price itself might pose a challenge. Is there a way to achieve this using CSS with the existing HTML structure? It seems tricky to utilize the jt-container directly, but perhaps introducing a separate element like jt-item-container could work.

Answer №1

If your goal is solely to move it upwards, you can achieve this by adjusting the positioning:

    top: -80px;

Revised JSBin Link

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