What are the steps for implementing CSS in Markdown?

How can I incorporate a CSS class into a Markdown file?

For example, using

<i class="icon-renren"></i>
(from the fontawesome library) should display an icon when its CSS file is imported in HTML.

Is there a way to achieve this in Markdown?

Answer №1

Feel free to incorporate HTML within your markdown just like you would with regular text.


<highlight>The Definition of Database</highlight>

Answer №2

If you’re looking to enhance the styling of your documents, consider using Pandoc attributes syntax. This tool can easily convert Markdown to various formats such as HTML, PDF, and PowerPoint presentations.

Creating heading identifiers:
### Add a red text title {#identifier .red}

Including code blocks with attributes:
{.red .numberLines startFrom="1"}

Customizing inline code snippets:
`This text will appear in red`{.red}

Applying styles to specific spans of text:
[Highlight this phrase within brackets]{.red}

Adjusting attributes for links:
![Displaying an image with altered alignment](the.jpg){.center}

Answer №3

Update: Including FontAwesome icons in R Markdown (or Shiny Apps) can now be easily accomplished with a new package available here: https://github.com/rstudio/fontawesome. While the following solution is more versatile and not specifically for R Markdown or FontAwesome, it still provides a workaround.

Although not tested in Gitbook, I'm optimistic that this method will work seamlessly on github.

Here's an approach for incorporating Font Awesome icons in an html document written in markdown (using knitr). To ensure proper display on github, I've utilized a workaround by linking to htmlpreview.github.io/? (as mentioned by niutech here):

  1. Firstly, download Font Awesome from this location and extract it into your local repository where you store the .Rmd file.
  2. Add
    to the header of your .Rmd file to specify which .css file markdown should use. Note that changing the version number may be necessary.
  3. Ensure that you set self_contained: no. As jmcphers pointed out here, this option prevents pandoc from merging multiple files into one, which could affect the paths in the font-awesome.css file.

  4. In your .Rmd document, add a link to

    replacing url_to_html_on_github with the URL to your html file on github.

Below is a simple example (fa-5x enlarges the icon, as illustrated in these examples):

title: "Title"
author: "Author"
date: "DATE"
     css: font-awesome-4.4.0/css/font-awesome.css
     self_contained: no

<i class="fa fa-renren fa-5x"></i>

To view the rendered html file correctly, click 
<a href="http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/FlorianWanders/FAonGitHub/blob/master/MWE.html" title="preview on htmlpreview.github.io" target="_blank">here</a>. 

Check out the preview of the result (also available in this github repository):

Answer №4

First and foremost, the majority of markdown implementations support the use of basic html

Some markdown implementations also allow for additional syntax to include attributes such as ids and classes (for example, php-markdown uses {#id .class} for block elements)

To my knowledge, fontawesome always requires the use of the leading <i> tag. Other icon fonts (like weloveiconfonts) insert the icon into an existing html tag like

<h2 class="zocial-dribbble">text</h2>
, in markdown-extra: ## text {.zocial-dribbble}.

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