styling multiple elements using javascript

Recently, I created a jQuery library for managing spacing (margin and padding).

Now, I am looking to convert this library to pure JavaScript with your assistance :)

Below is the JavaScript code snippet:

// Useful Variables
let dataAttr = "[data-m], [data-mt], [data-mr], [data-mb], [data-ml], [data-my], [data-mx], [data-p], [data-pt], [data-pr], [data-pb], [data-pl], [data-py], [data-px]";
let dataSpacing = $("[data-spacing]").find(dataAttr);
let p = "px";

// Margin
const marginSpacing = () => {
  dataSpacing.each(function() {
      'margin': $(this).attr("data-m") + p,
      'margin-top': $(this).attr("data-mt") + p,
      'margin-right': $(this).attr("data-mr") + p,
      'margin-bottom': $(this).attr("data-mb") + p,
      'margin-left': $(this).attr("data-ml") + p,
<script src=""></script>

<body data-spacing>
  <p data-mt="20">Text</p>
  <p data-mr="20">Text</p>
  <p data-mb="20">Text</p>
  <p data-ml="20">Text</p>

Answer №1

Here is the code snippet:

const dataAttributes = "[data-m], [data-mt], [data-mr], [data-mb], [data-ml], [data-my], [data-mx], [data-p], [data-pt], [data-pr], [data-pb], [data-pl], [data-py], [data-px]";
let dataSpacingValues = [...document.querySelectorAll('[data-spacing]')].map(element => element.querySelectorAll(dataAttributes));

dataSpacingValues.forEach(dataSpacingDataElements => {
  dataSpacingDataElements.forEach(item => { = item.dataset.m; =; =; = item.dataset.mb; =;

Answer №2

Thank you to "connexo" for providing the solution that fixed the issue.

I have made some adjustments to the code to better fit my needs.

Below is an updated version of the code:

let dataAttr = "[data-m], [data-mt], [data-mr], [data-mb], [data-ml], [data-my], [data-mx], [data-p], [data-pt], [data-pr], [data-pb], [data-pl], [data-py], [data-px]";
let dataSpacing = [...document.querySelectorAll('[data-spacing]')].map(el => el.querySelectorAll(dataAttr));
let p = "px";

dataSpacing.forEach(dataSpacingDataEls => {
  dataSpacingDataEls.forEach(el => { = el.dataset.m + p; = + p; = + p; = el.dataset.mb + p; = + p;

Hats off to @connexo for the help!

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