My mobile website, built using Bootstrap, appears as if it is zoomed

I recently launched a website called, where users can download wallpapers and generate memes. One issue I have encountered is that when the site is accessed via smartphone, it appears zoomed out. You can visit the specific URL causing this issue: To address this problem, I have created a mobile homepage using jQuery Mobile and a desktop version using Bootstrap.

Answer №1

An example of a well-optimized mobile site would include the following:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

The width attribute determines the size of the viewport, which can be specified in pixels like width=600, or using device-width value that corresponds to the screen width in CSS pixels at 100% scale. There are also height and device-height values available for pages with elements that adjust based on viewport height.

Upon page load, the initial-scale attribute controls the zoom level. Users can further manipulate zoom levels using properties like maximum-scale, minimum-scale, and user-scalable.

For more information, please visit:

Answer №2

Isn't it odd that the function is not functioning properly? Give this a shot:

    zoom: 1.2;
    width: fit-to-zoom;

    width: stretch-to-fit;
    zoom: 1.2;

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