Steps for resetting the HTML5 meter element

I have implemented the meter element to rate between 0 and 5, but I want to display a specific image for each value instead of the default meter style:

<meter min="0" max="5" value="5">
    <img width="80" height="20" alt="5 out of 5 stars" src="stars_5.png">

Despite using appearance none with vendor prefixes, I have noticed no impact on Firefox/Chrome/Safari.

Is there a way to achieve this without having to hide the meter and put the image next to it?

Answer №1

If only there was a simpler solution, but I managed to make it work by assigning the same background image as the img element inside the meter tag

For Firefox reset (will clear appearance):

meter {
    background: none

::-moz-meter-bar {
  -moz-appearance: none

:-moz-meter-sub-sub-optimum::-moz-meter-bar {
    background: none

For Chrome/Opera/Safari reset (will clear appearance):

meter {
    -webkit-appearance: none;

meter::-webkit-meter-inner-element {
    background: none;

To change the look of the meter based on value with an image (luckily I only need it for values from 0 to 5):

meter[value='5'] {
    background: url(stars_5.png)

meter[value='4'] ... etc

I would have preferred a property that could simply show the meter tag like a div.

The only other option seems to be: Hide the meter tag and display an image next to it..

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