Surprising behavior of translateZ in Framer Motion

Trying to position elements in a circular layout has led to unexpected behavior when using framer motion's translateZ. By applying styles with a template literal without shorthand for transforms, the desired effect is achieved:

transform: `
    i * (360 / images.length) <= 180 ? 
    i * (360 / images.length) : 
    ((i - (images.length)) * (360 / images.length))

However, using framer motion shorthand produces a different result:

  i * (360 / images.length) <= 180 ?
  i * (360 / images.length) : 
  ((i - (images.length)) * (360 / images.length)),
translateZ: '300px',

In addition, applying only a rotateY using framer motion shorthand automatically includes a translateZ(0px). Attempting to set a custom translateZ will render both styles inline:

translateZ(300px) rotateY(-45deg) translateZ(0px);

Explore this Codesandbox link. You can experiment by commenting out one of the transform style blocks to observe the differing outcomes.

Answer №1

To achieve the desired effect, it is important to set translateZ as the z property, as demonstrated in this revised version of your code. In this example, the translateZ transform is applied correctly only once.

Check out the revised code here

For your effect to work properly, rotation must be applied before the transformation, as the order of definitions matters in the transform property.

Learn more about the importance of transform order

This issue may be related to Framer Motion, as they have specified a particular order for transformations:

Refer to the specified order by Framer Motion

You can still utilize Framer Motion properties but try to replicate the same effect while adhering to their specified transform order.

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