Move the Material UI popover to the clicked icon's position

I am looking to create a popover similar to the image linked below. When the icon is clicked, I want the popover to display with the same user interface.

Here is the code snippet that I have been using:

{showPopOver && (
                onClose={(e) => {
                  if (showPopOver) {
                  vertical: `top`,
                  horizontal: `center`,
                  vertical: `top`,
                  horizontal: `center`,
                  style: { width: "400px", height: "300px" },
              ><POPOVER CONTENTS........>


The issue I am facing is that the popover overlaps the icon when it appears.

Can anyone provide guidance on how to position the popover above the icon with the v(callout)?

Any suggestions or solutions to this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

In order to adjust the origin of <Popover .>, you can modify it by including the transformOrigin property. Follow this example:

transformOrigin={{ horizontal: "left", vertical: -20 }}

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