Applying personalized CSS to an element based on the condition of a child element in the previous sibling element

I am trying to apply styles to a span element only when a child element in a preceding sibling div element is active, which means a radio button has been checked.

I am unable to modify the code and can only use CSS for this task.

Any ideas on how to achieve this?

<label class="One">
    <span class="Two">
        <div class="Three">
            <input class="Four" type="radio">
            <a class="Five ui-state-default"></a>
        <span class="Six">Don't highlight this</span>
<label class="One">
    <span class="Two">
        <div class="Three">
            <input class="Four" type="radio">
            <a class="Five ui-state-active"></a>
        <span class="Six">Highlight this</span>
  • I need to highlight span.Six but only when a.Five has "ui-state-active"

An alternative approach could be highlighting the label element (the second "label.One" above) only if the child element 3 levels down is "active".

Thank you for your assistance!

Answer №1

Under the condition that code cannot be altered and only CSS can be used, achieving the expected result is not possible. However, utilizing pseudo-elements can help you get close to your desired outcome. The content of pseudo-elements can be modified according to CSS rules.

input:checked~a:after {
  content: "I am active";
  display: block;
  color: red;

Here is a demonstration of this approach:

You have the flexibility to style the pseudo elements in any way you prefer.

If using Javascript, you can start with the following code:

 $(document).ready(function() {
  $("input").on("change", function() {
    var elem = $(this);


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