When trying to create a scrollable element, I attempted the following:
.scroll-content {
overflow: hidden;
.scrollabe {
overflow-y: scroll;
<ion-grid style="height:100%" *ngIf="plat && ticket">
<ion-col col-4 padding>
<ticket-info [ticket]="ticket"></ticket-info>
<ion-col class="scrollabe" col-8 no-margin>
<ticket-acao [ticket]="ticket"></ticket-acao>
However, this caused my content to be hidden: My element
I also tried an alternative approach:
.scroll-content {
overflow: hidden;
<ion-grid *ngIf="plat && ticket">
<ion-col col-4 padding>
<ticket-info [ticket]="ticket"></ticket-info>
<ion-col col-8 no-margin>
<ion-scroll scrollY="true" style="height: 100%;width: 100%">
<ticket-acao [ticket]="ticket"></ticket-acao>
Unfortunately, the same issue persisted...
The problem was resolved by reducing the height, but that meant sacrificing the responsive layout.
So, what is the best solution for achieving this?