Removing accordion borders in Bootstrap and AngularJS can be achieved by customizing

Can anyone help me figure out how to hide the border in each accordion group that contains a panel and inner elements? I've tried using classes like .accordion and .inner but nothing seems to work. Any advice on where to find the specific class or ID for the accordion and how to remove this styling?

Answer №1

Accordion panels require specific CSS overrides to customize their appearance. To ensure these changes only apply to accordion panels and not all panels on your site, use the accordion tag as a CSS selector.

Try this solution:

accordion .panel {
    border-width: 0;

Also, make sure you are using UI Bootstrap instead of regular Bootstrap CSS/JavaScript.

Answer №2

Within the latest UI Bootstrap, here is the troublesome CSS rule selector along with its solution:

.panel-group .panel-heading+.panel-collapse .panel-body {
    border: none;

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