What is the solution to having a div move along with window resizing without displacing adjacent divs?

After much effort, I still can't seem to get this working correctly.

I've been playing around with a section named "RightExtra" and a div inside it called "RightExtraContent". My goal is to allow these two divs to move freely when the window is resized up to a certain point, without impacting the position of any other divs on the page.

To better illustrate what I mean, take a look at this visual representation:


For a live example, check out this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/c21nzs13/1/

Despite trying multiple code variations, I haven't had any luck achieving the desired outcome.

/* Your CSS code goes here */

<!-- Your HTML code goes here -->

Answer №1

To successfully accomplish this task, I expanded the wrapper's width and repositioned the new div inside of it.

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