Setting the variable to global does not apply styling to the element

Looking for help with styling an element created using document.createElement("img")?

let fireball; //global variable

fireball = document.createElement("img") //variable on local
fireballArray.push(someFunction(fireball, {
 src: "img.png", width: "38" })) = "none" //global variable

I want to style the element created by

fireball = document.createElement("img")
, but it's not hiding as expected.

Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Note: The variable

fireball = document.createElement("img")
must remain within local scope while styling should be applied from another scope (as shown in the code).

Answer №1

When you are creating your image dynamically:

function createImage() {
  var fireball = document.createElement("img");
  fireball.setAttribute("src", "img_pulpit.jpg");
  fireball.setAttribute("width", "304");
  fireball.setAttribute("height", "228");
  fireball.setAttribute("alt", "The Pulpit Rock");
  fireball.setAttribute("id", "UniqId"); // Remember to give it a unique ID

To manipulate the element, use getElementById:

function manipulateImage() {
  var fireball = document.getElementById("UniqId");
  fireball.setAttribute("style", "display:none; border:3px solid red;");

You can try this out with the w3C demo here :

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