Is there a way to implement a css/javascript property specifically for a div that is selected in the url?

Take for instance the scenario where I possess the URL In this case, CSS styling will be directed to the div with the id foo. If achieving this solely in CSS is not feasible, what methods in JavaScript or jQuery can be used efficiently and dependably?

Answer №1

To obtain the hash value, simply access it through window.location.hash

If the div has an ID attribute set to "hash," the following snippets can be used.


var targetDiv = document.getElementById(window.location.hash);
if (targetDiv) { = ...

Using jQuery:

$('#' + window.location.hash).css({...})

Answer №2

No need for JavaScript here! You can achieve the desired effect using the :target CSS selector.

:target {
  background-color: green;
<div id="foo">
<div id="bar">
<a href="#foo">link to #foo</a>
<a href="#bar">link to #bar</a>

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