The positioning of the Zorro table column remains flexible despite the presence of nzLeft

I am currently developing a project using Angular. Within one of my components, I have a table that displays some data. This table is generated by the ng-zorro table module.

However, I've encountered an issue where setting a table column or header with the property nzLeft does not keep the column fixed as intended.

To troubleshoot this problem, I created a sample Angular 14 project on StackBlitz where the nzLeft property works correctly: View demo here

Below is the content of my package.json:

  "name": "ore-commesse-app",

Additionally, here is the code for my table HTML component,


<nz-table #fixedTable [nzData]="listOfData" [nzScroll]="{ x: '1150px', y: '240px' }">

And lastly, my registration-statistic.module.ts:

import { NzTableModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/table';
export class RegistrationStatisticModule { }

I've noticed in the StackBlitz example that the columns are fixed properly, unlike in my actual implementation where I can scroll over them. Here's how it looks: Table screenshot

If anyone has any insights or possible solutions to this problem, your help would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

After some investigation, I was able to pinpoint the issue:

  • I started a new project in angular 14 and implemented ng zorro table with fixed columns and header
  • Initially, everything seemed to be functioning properly.
  • It became clear that the problem was not related to the Angular version itself.
  • Upon inspecting my page using Chrome developer tools, I couldn't identify any missing elements.
  • However, upon reviewing my .css file, I noticed that certain code was conflicting with ng zorro implementation

More precisely, removing the following code resolved the problem:

.ant-table-measure-now {
  display: none;

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