Blazor Razor Component Library (RCL) Lacks CSS IntelliSense

I am encountering an issue with the CSS intellisense in my razor class library (RCL) that houses all the pages of my Blazor application. It appears that the CSS intellisense is not functioning within the RCL unless I modify the RCL .csproj xml tag From Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor" To Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web".

For instance: <p class="..(no intellisense is shown if used within an RCL)"

I am currently using VS2022 with all the latest updates installed. Any insights or solutions to resolve this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

I developed a new tool to address this particular issue.

This tool is designed to resolve your concern by scanning all projects within the solution, not limited to those of the Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web type.

In addition, it includes support for isolated CSS contexts (*.razor.css files) and external files linked via the <link> attribute in an HTML file.

If you're interested in learning more about this tool, feel free to visit the GitHub repository.

Answer №2

Blazor css intellisense may not be the best, but I found a workaround that did the trick for me. By changing the .csproj to Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web", reloading the solution, and adding a "Program.cs" class file with just one line of code at the root.

The actual code in that line doesn't matter, just make sure you add something. In my case, I added a simple variable like var workAround="empty"; to the program.cs file.

Surprisingly, after doing this, the css intellisense started working magically. It's not perfect, but it works. Hopefully Microsoft addresses this issue soon.

One more tip is to close visual studio and delete the .vs folder, which is a hidden folder where your project is located.

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