What is the best method to incorporate a JavaScript object key's value into CSS styling?

I am currently working on a project in React where I'm iterating over an array of objects and displaying each object in its own card on the screen. Each object in the array has a unique hex color property, and my goal is to dynamically set the font color of each card using Sass/CSS based on the color value stored in the object. However, I am struggling to find a way to pass this color value to my stylesheet.

// Defining the array I'm mapping over
const data = [
    title: 'this is the title of object one',
    color: #979696
    title:'this is the title of object two',
    color: #8C64E6
// Component to render individual cards

const Card = (props) => (
  <h3 className='title'>{props.title}</h3>
// CSS
.title {
  color: ????; 

Answer №1

If you're not utilizing a CSS-in-JS solution like styled components, there is no direct way to pass styles to your Sass files.

But in this particular scenario, you could consider the following approach:

const card = props => (
    style={{ color: props.color }}

Answer №2

When working with JSX, you have the ability to include inline CSS. If you are passing styles as props within an object labeled styleObject, it is possible to incorporate the color property in this manner:

const Card = props => {
    const color = props.styleObject.color
    const title = props.styleObject.color
    return (
        <h3 style={{ color: color }}>{title}</h3>

In addition, if there is a need to display a heading for each object contained in your array, here's how you can achieve it:

const Cards = props => {
    const array = props.array
    return array.map(heading => (
        <h3 key={heading.title} color={heading.color}>

Answer №3

It is unclear whether I understand your query correctly, but you have the option to apply inline styling directly

const array = [
    title: 'the title of object one',
    color: #979696
    title:'the title of object two',
    color: #8C64E6
// formatting the array values for component

const card = props => (
  <h3 style={{color:a.color}}>{props.title}</h3>

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