Firefox users may notice that the pop-up video player appears in unusual locations on their screen

I'm encountering an issue with a pop-up video player that is triggered by an "onClick" event in HTML elements. The problem arises when there are multiple video players on the same page - in Firefox, the first video loads at the bottom of the page, requiring viewers to scroll down to see it.

This issue seems to be specific to Firefox.

I've attempted using absolute, fixed, and other positioning properties to create a static position for the DIV containing the video player, but none of these solutions have worked in Firefox. I've also tried placing the DIV code in different locations within the markup, with no success.

Answer №1

To better assist you, it would be helpful to provide additional information such as a code snippet or specific details about the issue you are facing. It can be challenging to diagnose without a clear view of the problem. You may want to consider adding the "-moz-" prefix in the CSS position property for compatibility with Mozilla browsers.

Answer №2

You've got a whole bunch of classes here.

ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-draggable ui-resizable videoPlayer

And there are even more classes.

ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content

Maybe it's worth checking the CSS for all those classes to see if you might be missing a -moz- somewhere. Sometimes, online CSS templates only cater to one web browser and lack compatibility with others.

Aside from my assumption about the missing CSS line, your code looks solid.

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