What is the best way to customize the appearance of a non-current month cell within the date picker?

I'm currently in the process of developing a registration form for my JavaFX application. I am faced with an issue where I need to disable certain cells in the date picker when they do not belong to the displayed month. Let's take a look at my current implementation of the date picker.

Here is my date picker:


As you can see, I want the dates 27th, 28th, ..., 30th from the current month and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ... from the next month to be greyed out. How can I achieve this?

I have explored various methods to implement this functionality, and it seems like it might involve the "dayCellFactory", but I'm not entirely sure...

final Callback<DatePicker, DateCell> dayCellFactory = new Callback<>() {
    public DateCell call(DatePicker datePicker) {
        return new DateCell() {
            public void updateItem(LocalDate item, boolean empty) {
                super.updateItem(item, empty);

My initial approach was to retrieve the current month from the date picker and compare each cell against it, but I am unsure how to get the month information from the date picker.

Answer №1

It seems like you are dealing with an X/Y issue.

The main goal here is:

To change the background color of cells in a date picker if they do not belong to the current month displayed on the page

What you are asking is:

How can I retrieve the month from the DatePicker popup in JavaFX?

Although it's not directly exposed through the public API, getting the current month from the date picker shouldn't be necessary for achieving your desired outcome.

The default behavior of the date picker already grays out days that do not belong to the current month.

However, based on the screenshot provided, it appears that the default gray-out feature is not working as expected in your implementation. This could be due to custom code or styles applied, possibly affecting the CSS properties.

An Example

You can observe that non-current month cells have gray backgrounds in the example below.

If you look closely, the effect is quite subtle...


Teamed up!
Renting comfy boots
to avoid
cutting toes.

The default styling mechanism for graying out these cells is achieved by applying specific rules to next-month and previous-month classes, which unfortunately lack proper documentation.

To customize the color scheme, examining the default modena.css stylesheet and experimenting cautiously with undocumented properties may be needed.

A safe practice would involve limiting the usage of undocumented styles, testing thoroughly, and only applying necessary modifications to prevent potential issues during future updates.

For a clear demonstration, let's create a more vibrant visual using misty rose as the background color.


Sewing sweaters
in summer heat,
anticipating chilly nights.

To ensure consistent theming across the UI elements without distorting complex control styles, overriding basic colors such as -fx-base could be beneficial.


Here is a simplified approach without additional style sheets, just setting the base color to light sky blue for a unified theme.

Taking advantage of predefined look-up colors in modena.css can facilitate the process of aligning the overall aesthetics of the application.

Weaving colorful threads,
crafting intricate patterns
on fabric canvases.

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