Struggling with converting my menu design into a dropdown menu

Recently completed creating my initial menu with a left navigation bar design. Wondering if it is achievable to implement a dropdown effect on hover without the use of javascript? I have come across several solutions but they do not seem to work for me, possibly due to using incorrect code to construct a functional menu.

In this instance, the category "Heren armbanden" serves as the primary category. The 6 categories listed below it are meant to dropdown when hovering over "Heren armbanden".

Fingers crossed there is a solution out there that will make this functionality possible. All suggestions and tips are greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Even though you initially requested a purely CSS solution, you later mentioned in the comments that you would not mind a JavaScript solution. With your permission, I proceeded to solve your problem using JavaScript, specifically jQuery.

To begin, I established a class named menu which I utilized to encapsulate your dropdown menu header and its contents.

<div class="menu">
    <div class="container25-a">
        <div class="links8">Heren armbanden</div>
    <div class="heren-armbanden">
        <div class="container25-a">
            <div class="links4">Schakel armbanden</div>
        <div class="container25-a">
            <div class="links4">Leren armbanden</div>
        <div class="container25-a">
            <div class="links4">Stalen armbanden</div>
        <div class="container25-a">
            <div class="links9">Rubberen armbanden</div>
        <div class="container25-a">
            <div class="links4">Graveerbare armbanden</div>
        <div class="container25-a">
            <div class="links4">Zilveren armbanden</div>

Subsequently, I defined a CSS rule that hides the heren-armbanden class by default.

.heren-armbanden {
    display: none;

Lastly, I employed jQuery to attach event listeners to the menu class, toggling the visibility of the heren-armbanden class upon mouse enter and leave actions.

$('.menu').hover(function () {
}, function () {

In conclusion, the implemented solution functions as outlined:

UPDATE: In response to your request, here is how you can achieve the same outcome on click instead of hover:

Assign a unique class or id to the clickable link:

<div class="links8" id="nav">Heren armbanden</div>

Then, establish a click event listener:

$('#nav').click(function () {


Answer №2

Creating dropdown navigations in CSS can be a simple task, but it does require some adjustments to your code.

An important issue with your current code is that the menu items with downward arrows, which indicate a dropdown, are not properly linked to their corresponding dropdown elements. Specifically, the main menu item labeled Heren sieraden does not establish a connection with the child item Heren armbanden. Additionally, the element Schakel armbanden is not nested within Heren armbanden.

To address this issue, you need to ensure that these elements are structured as siblings rather than standalone entities. This allows CSS to recognize the hierarchy and display the submenus accordingly when hovering over the parent elements.

To implement a pure CSS solution, you will need to revise the structure of your code.

Other responses have highlighted the commonly used ul and li approach for creating menus. This method involves defining the main menu using the ul element and individual items using li. Here's a simplified example:

The problem with your existing code lies in applying the a:hover selector to the links directly. Instead, you should target the li element as it encompasses both the link (a) and submenu elements. By focusing on the li, you ensure that the hover effect persists even when moving between the link and its associated submenu.

To make your dropdown functionality work effectively, you can use something like the following CSS: li.item ul.sub-menu       { display: none;  } li.item:hover ul.sub-menu { display: block; }
/* note: these selectors can certainly be simplified */

This setup ensures that the submenu becomes visible when hovering over the parent container.

In terms of positioning the submenus, one common approach is to give the li.item element a relative position and the ul.sub-menu an absolute position. This allows you to control the placement of the submenu relative to its parent item.

li.item { position: relative; }
ul.sub-menu {
    position: absolute;
    top: 100%;
    left: 0;

The provided CSS guidelines will position the submenu below and to the right of the parent menu item, ensuring a visually appealing dropdown navigation experience.

Answer №3

Unfortunately, I am unable to access the example you mentioned due to my current location. However, creating dropdown menus using CSS involves utilizing the Display property in your styles. To create a pure CSS dropdown menu, you would set the UL for the menu as follows:


And then use the following code to display the menu when hovered:


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