What is the best way to apply CSS hover effects to specific cells within a table?

Is there a way to selectively apply CSS hover effects to only specific cells in a table? And can I disable it on the cells where I don't want it?

td:hover {

I'm currently using this code but need it to be more targeted towards certain cells.

Answer №1

Rather than setting your style for all cells, you can define a class and only apply it to the cells where you want the specific style. Revise your CSS as follows:

.myclass:hover {

Next, implement this in your HTML code:

    <td class="myclass">Cell 1 with special hover</td>
    <td>Cell 2</td>     
    <td>Cell 3</td>

Answer №2

Utilizing the <td> tag in HTML allows for the incorporation of Global Attributes, making it easy to assign a class to individual table cells for hover effects.

<td class="cell-hover">Table Cell Data</td>

To implement this, adjust your CSS Selector to target only td cells with the "cell-hover" class.

td:hover {

In CSS, using a . allows you to specifically select elements with the corresponding class name.

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