Easy ways to align sprite images and text in the center

I am trying to utilize css sprites for my website. I have a basic image and some text that I would like to display together. My goal is to center the image on the page, and then vertically center the text next to it. As a newcomer to css, I am struggling to achieve this effect.

Here is the code snippet that I currently have:

<div class="sprite"></div>hi

.sprite {
    width: 50px;
    height: 72px;
    background-image: url("http://s.cdpn.io/79/sprite-steps.png");


Answer №1

Explain the concept of setting the background position and utilizing only one div in this manner


.sprite {
    width: 50px;
    height: 72px;
    background: url("http://s.cdpn.io/79/sprite-steps.png") 3px -6px;


<div class="centerText">
<div class="sprite"></div>hi

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