focusing on a specific category within a CSS identifier

My goal is to specifically target the class .page-has-children within this code snippet:

<div id="dc_jqverticalmegamenu_widget-2" class="widget sidebarwidget ">
  <div class="dcjq-vertical-mega-menu" id="dc_jqverticalmegamenu_widget-2-item">
    <ul id="menu-media-intellectual-property" class="menu">
      <li id="menu-item-2674" class="page-has-children menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-2674">
        <a href="">Media and Intellectual Property</a>
          <ul class="sub-menu">
            <li id="menu-item-2672" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-2672">
              <a href="">IT and Software Disputes</a>
            <li id="menu-item-2673" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-2673">
              <a href="">Trademarks and Patents</a>

I've attempted various methods, but I thought this one would be successful:

#dc_jqverticalmegamenu_widget-%ID%-item  {}

I've also experimented with

div.dcjq-vertical-mega-menu {
  background: url(images/arrow-right.gif) no-repeat -3px 0px;
  padding: 0 0 0 15px;
  cursor: pointer;

Additionally, I have explored suggestions from this forum post:

Unfortunately, none of these approaches have allowed me to display the arrow on a menu item with children.

Answer №1

Have you attempted the following:

#dc_jqverticalmegamenu_widget-2 #dc_jqverticalmegamenu_widget-2-item #menu-media-intellectual-property .page-has-children {


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