Avoiding unnecessary white space when positioning HTML elements

I am working with two images, imgA and imgB. ImgA is 2000px high while imgB is 1000px high.

After placing them one after the other, I use relative positioning to move imgB up in order to overlap imgA.

Expectedly, the browser window should be 2000px high, but it seems that the browser allocates space for both images initially, making the total height 3000px. This results in a blank space of 1000px at the bottom of the page after imgB is moved up to overlap imgA.

How can I prevent this blank space from occurring?

Thank you

Answer №1

Disregard this

The reason for this issue is due to the images being block level elements. To prevent the browser from allocating space, simply add: display:inline-block to the second image. By doing so, the image will no longer be part of the block structure and the browser will not allocate whitespace for it.

Another helpful resource is Relatively Absolute positioning, which can be useful for your project.


As mentioned in the comments, the previous solution does not work. It is recommended to use Relatively Absolute positioning instead.

For a demonstration of how to position an image over another, see this jsFiddle example.

Answer №2

To overlay imgB over imgA, apply display: block to your images and then use position: absolute instead of position: relative.

Remember to set the parent element to a value other than position: static in order to ensure that the image is positioned relative to its parent element.

Answer №3

If you need more explanation, examples of "css block" can be found here:

Answer №4

Absolute positioning is a targeted approach for certain situations, but it may not be the most effective solution in every similar scenario (for instance, when dealing with overlapped elements within the main container div).

Personally, I find that utilizing

margin-top: -800px;

for the second image offers a more optimal resolution.

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